The Anton Bruckner Private University is a university for music, drama and dance. The artistic work of the university is focused on performing, pedagogy and research in each of these fields, with an equal emphasis on artistic communication, development and outreach.
The Anton Bruckner Private University is committed to the promotion of innovation, but also to the nurture of tradition. The university thus sees itself both as a flexible, future-oriented experimental laboratory of the arts and as a place where the cultural heritage of the past is maintained, examined and communicated through performance. The cross-fertilization of the historical and the contemporary produces a remarkable creative potential in the fields of performance, pedagogy and research.
The Anton Bruckner Private University favours and promotes a concentration on individual artistic disciplines. On the basis of work in these individual disciplines - and in line with contemporary artistic trends - we also promote a range of cross-disciplinary activities, involving cooperation across departments in teaching, research and performance projects.
As an institute for artistic education the ABPU is committed to the idea of lifelong learning. This concept embraces not only the acquisition of professional competence, but also the development of social skills. Alongside the range of classical study courses on offer the ABPU also has a vigorous framework for the promotion of the younger generation (the academy for gifted young performers) as well as offering many possibilities for further training in the form of master courses and work study opportunities.
The Anton Bruckner Private University is not only a centre of study with a wide range of courses in the fields of performance, pedagogy and research. It is also a cultural provider, offering a wide range of concerts, lectures and events (in Linz, in Upper Austria and further afield), thus making a very significant contribution to the cultural life of the community.
The idea of a continuous further development of the arts and their relationship to each other plays an important part in teaching and research as well as in performance projects at the Bruckner University. Both an artistic, practical self-image and a reflective attitude on the part of students and teachers is manifested in their artistic creativity, in performances and productions and in their documentation. Moreover, an important focus of the Bruckner University is academic research (both historical and systematic) into themes related to the arts, as well as research (academic/artistic) at the interface between artistic and academic methods.
The importance of the ABPU in the cultural infrastructure of Upper Austria is reflected in its many initiatives for the production, interpretation, reflection and communication of the arts. The university cooperates not only with cultural providers but also with teaching institutions for music, dance and drama - in particular the network of Upper Austrian music schools - and with other universities. Working together with other educational institutions offers the opportunity to understand and shape developments in the educational and cultural landscape as a joint project for the benefit of all.
In the face of the globalization of the arts, international exchanges are of course a fully-integrated feature of the ABPU. International networking is important both for the students and teaching staff. The university promotes its network of international partnerships with universities and colleges in order to provide exchange opportunities for its students and teachers. It is committed to the basic tenets of the Bologna process and takes part in the international discourse of music and art universities.
To guarantee the continued high quality of study courses, teaching, artistic practice and research the BPU has its own quality management system. This carries out continuous assessment of the efficient use of resources, the analysis of strengths and weaknesses and the search for development opportunities. At the core of its work is always a continuous engagement with the idea of quality: quality of artistic performance, of teaching and of research.
Equal rights for all, at all levels, is a basic principle for the ABPU in its role as an integrated part of community life.
The ABPU sees itself as a learning organisation, involved in a continuous process of self-reflection, critically engaged with questions of further development. As a university of the arts it aligns itself with the idea of a “work in progress”.
The working climate at the ABPU is characterized by a culture of mutual respect. Open and friendly communication is characteristic not only for relations between students and teachers, but also among the teachers and between the teaching staff and the administration.