Media Owner:
Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität
Alice-Harnoncourt-Platz 1
A-4040 Linz
T +43 732 701000 0
F +43 732 701000 299
UID-Number: ATU 56716129
Legal form
Under the terms of § 4 of the state law relating to the legal status after the conversion of the Bruckner Conservatory to a private university, LGBl No. 14/2003, the Anton Bruckner Private University is a legal entity under public law.
Supervisory authority
Government of the state of Upper Austria
Functions of the Anton Bruckner Private University
Under the terms of § 2, paragraph 1 of the state law relating to the legal status after the conversion of the Bruckner Conservatory to a private university, LGBl No. 14/2003, it is the particular function of the Anton Bruckner Private University to provide education and training in the areas of music, drama and dance, both in the performing and teaching fields.
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Anton Bruckner Private University
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