
ATTENTION! Registration for courses on bruckneronline is only possible when enrolment has been completed!

  • Winter semester 2024/2025
    Enrolment takes place from 10 September to 5 October 2024
    Late enrolment*: 6 October to 31 October 2024
  • Summer semester 2025
    Enrolment takes place from 10 February to 5 March 2025
    Late enrolment*: 6 March to 31 March 2025

* In the following cases, a late enrolment fee is due:

  • Late enrolment
  • For applications submitted in the late enrolment period for semester repetition, continued enrolment in the examination phase, leave of absence, shortening of studies


Important information for students

With the Subject Matter Data Protection Amendment Act 2018 taking effect, Private Universities are being incorporated into the “Data Sharing of Universities and Higher Education Institutions” (§ 7a Education Documentation Act). This comes along with the extended implementation of the nationalized system of enrolment numbers in Private Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences, a system that as of yet had only been used by Public Universities and Universities of Education. This development calls for an exchange of the up to now distributed enrolment numbers of the ABPU for the new nationalized numbers.


An enrolment number serves the purpose of identifying a student within a register of persons. Each University and University of Applied Sciences distributes such a number to each ongoing student upon enrolment. Each number is only distributed once in order to guarantee an indisputable identification. 


From now on enrolment numbers will consist of eight digits and are composed in the following way:


Digit 1 represents the institution of first-time admission
1,2 or 3 Universities
4 Universities of Education
5 Universities of Applied Sciences
6 Private Universities


Digits 2 and 3 represent the academic year of admission
Digits 4 to 8 are made up of a consecutive number.