
Art and Pedagogy

Performance and Pedagogy Study programmes at the ABPU comprise a common foundation of core subjects. Building on this base, students may choose performance or pedagogy modules, even allowing students to complete both study programmes by fulfilling the requirements for both.

Studies and Professional Experience

Early on in their studies, students are afforded an opportunity to gain professional experience, as participation in numerous projects - executed in collaboration with various orchestras, concert and theatre venues, the Upper Austrian Musicschool Network, kindergartens and other educational institutions – constitutes an integral part of the curriculum.

Entrance requirements

Admission to ABPU requires passing an entrance exam - it is not mandatory to hold a general qualification for university entrance. A BA Degree is a prerequisite for admission to the Master programmes. Proof of proficiency in the German language (Performance: A2 (CEFR) / Pedagogy: B1 (CEFR)) is required by the beginning of the third semester. Entrance exams take place in June or September, depending on the desired study programme.

Public relations

General information about Anton Bruckner Private University

As one of four universities in Linz, a UNESCO City of Media Arts, the Anton Bruckner Private University constitutes a dynamic and innovative centre for the arts. Here performers and teachers of tomorrow receive an individualized education in music, drama and dance – inspired by the striking architecture of a new state of the art university building.

The Bruckner University’s mission is three-fold, offering students a training ground for performing the arts, teaching the arts and academic research. Staging more than 500 events a year, the Bruckner University functions as one of the region’s foremost organisers of cultural events, ranging from chamber and orchestral concerts, plays, dance and jazzperformances as well as contemporary music concerts to podium discussions and lecture-performances. 

Study Programmes

Instrumental Performance Studies and Instrumental Pedagogical Studies (BA/MA) I Singing and Music Theatre, Vocal Pedagogy (BA/MA) I Jazz and Improvised Music (BA/MA) I Composition, Jazz Composition, Media Composition / Computer Music (BA/MA) I Conducting (BA/MA) I Drama (BA) I Contemporary Stage Dance and Dance Pedagogy (BA/MA) I Early Music (BA/MA) I Orchestral Academy (MA) I Audience Development – Music in Context (MA)

Quick facts

  • founded in 1932 
  • accredited as a private university in 2004
  • number of teachers 220
  • number of students 850


Tuition is 300 Euros per Semester + Student Union Fees 

Unser Namensgeber feiert heute seinen 200. Geburtstag.



In Anlehnung an das diesjährige Thema des Ars Electronica Festivals „Hope - Who will turn the tide“ begibt sich der Sonic Saturday der Bruckner Universität am 7. September mit Digital Music Focus und Artists Meeting auf eine Reise ins Reich klanglicher…


Als weiteren Meilenstein in ihrer 20-jährigen Universitätswerdung setzt die Bruckner Universität wesentliche Akzente zur Steigerung ihrer Forschungseffizienz und somit akademischen Exzellenz. Adaptionen im Bezeichnungskanon wissenschaftlicher wie künstlerischer Positionen, die Verankerung der…


Mit vielfältigen Masterclasses für Streich- und Blasinstrumente bis hin zu Schlagwerk und Klavier findet die Internationale Sommerakademie der Bruckner Universität unter der künstlerischen Leitung von Prof. Michael Oman von 29. Juli bis 3. August zum zweiten Mal statt.

Presse Alte Musik und historische Aufführungspraxis

Auf einstimmigen Beschluss des Universitätsrats der Bruckner Universität wird Markus Neuwirth, Professor für Musikanalyse am Institut für Theorie und Geschichte, Claire Genewein als Vizerektor für Forschung nachfolgen.


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Jirikowski-Winter, Karoline

Public Relations

T +43 732 701000 275 

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