
Following any course of study at the Anton Bruckner Private University requires successfully passing an entrance exam. The high-school diploma (Matura) is not a requirement for a Bachelor course.

To be accepted for a Master programme you need a Bachelor's degree or an equivalent qualification.

Applicants with a non-German mother tongue must prove a sufficient mastery of the German language. 

Entrance and Admission examinations

The entrance examination for a Bachelors course in music consists of two parts: a theoretical exam (music theory and ear tests) and an practical/artistic exam (instrumental or vocal audition).

There is also an entrance exam (performance or pedagogical) for the Master programme.

These examinations take place in June or September, depending on the institute.

Dates for admission examinations are to be found under the respective institute in menu Entrance and Admission examinations.  

An online registration is required. Please register here: Online-Registration.


Application Deadlines


Application period

Academy for Gifted Children – Part 1

01.02. - 20.03.

Early Music and Historical Performance Practice

01.02. - 20.03.

Brass Instruments and Percussion

01.02. - 20.03.

Voice and Music Theatre

01.02. - 08.05.

Woodwind Instruments

01.02. - 20.03.

Jazz and Improvised Music

01.02. - 20.03.

Composition and Conducting

01.02. - 20.03.

Music Education – Elementary Music Education Bachelor programme

Music Education – Elementary Music Education Master programme

01.02. - 05.04.

01.02. - 31.05.

String Instruments – Bowed String Instruments

01.02. - 20.03.

String Instruments – Plucked Instruments

01.02. - 20.03.


until 2 weeks before round 1


01.02. - 20.04.

Keyboard Instruments

01.02. - 20.03.

German language certificate

Applicants with a non-German mother tongue must give evidence of competence in the German language.

  • Language diploma for performance Bachelor's degree (KBA) and performance Master's degree (KMA): B1 (GER) - to be presented during the second semester
  • Language diploma for pedagogical Bachelor's degree (PBA): B1 (GER) - to be presented at the first enrolment
  • Language diploma for pedagogical Master's degree (PMA): B2 (GER) - to be presented at the first enrolment


from 1.1.2024: The following German certificates are accepted:

1. Austrian Language Diploma in German (ÖSD)
2. language certificate of the Austrian Integration Fund (ÖIF)
3. Goethe certificate
4. German Language Examination for University Admission (DSH)
5. German Language Diploma of the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (DSD)
6. telc language certificate
7. positive completion of a language course at an Austrian university at the respective required level
8. completion of 8 school years at a German-speaking school
9. 4 years of German language instruction at secondary level II and completion of the Reifeprüfung in German as a foreign language
10. completion of the school-leaving examination in German language

Note: The proof according to 1-7 must not be older than two years at the time of submission. The certificates according to 8-10 are valid for an unlimited period of time.
The certificate must be presented as an original . The examination result must be clearly stated. Certificates of participation in language courses without a final examination will not be accepted in any case.

German Course:

New students for the winter semester 2024/25 can now register for a B1 German course at the ABPU, which will take place from September 2-27. Online participation will also be possible.
Prerequisite is that you already have A2 level (course or placement test is sufficient).
Further information about the course and the registration form can be found here:

Information sheet
Registration form

Important note:

A second degree course with the same study objective taken at the same time at another music university, college of music or a comparable domestic or foreign post-secondary or tertiary educational institution is not permitted (e.g.: 2x Artistic BA degree course in cello).


An entrance examination or admission interview must also be completed for the specializations (SP) provided for in the respective degree programmes.

For Bachelor's degree programs, registration for the specialization usually takes place in the 2nd semester.

Registration deadline for all specializations: 01.02 - 27.03.

Application for specialization