Athina Androulidaki - Dance

Interrelating Contemporary and Greek Traditional Dance – Observations on the Choreographical Procedure

In my research project I am concerned with two different styles of dance: Greek traditional and contemporary dance. In my investigation I aim to create choreographies that deal with Greek Traditional Dance on the one hand and Contemporary Dance on the other, analyse the artistic product and the process of development, and compare them with selected, already existing repertoire. This type of movement research and interrelation is in its preliminary stage, as in the last few years some choreographers started creating artistic pieces related to these two worlds.

My research questions refer to how Greek traditional and contemporary dance interrelate during the choreographical process and how the dancer’s body archive affects the development and synthesis of the movement material. I use Labanotation scores and kinotypes of the morphological method of Greek traditional dance as an initial matrix for the movement synthesis combined with contemporary dance movement vocabulary and my movement improvisation. I draw data from observation, interviews, images and videos from my choreographical procedure and performance, as well as those of selected already existing repertoire.

With my research I aim to contribute to the better understanding of the choreographical practice, while exploring the limits of what is ‘traditional’ and ‘contemporary’. This will possibly lead to the creation of a tool for movement synthesis of these two styles of dance.

First supervisor: Univ. Prof. Rose Breuss, ABPU
Second supervisor: Univ. Prof. Dr Nicole Haitzinger, Universität Salzburg
Third supervisor: Assoz. Prof. Dr Kendra Stepputat, Kunstuniversität Graz


Athina Androulidaki is a dancer and teacher of different styles of dance and movement. She grew up in Heraklion, Crete and graduated from the professional ballet and contemporary dance school Horohronos of the Ministry of Culture in Athens. She studied Physical Education and Sport Science in the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens majoring in Greek Traditional Dance and conducted her master’s research on body image in classical dance in the same institute. She also studied Labanotation Movement Analysis as part of a distance learning course of the University of Surrey and was a member of ‘Laografikos horeutikos omilos Horopaideia’ for Greek Traditional Dance. These different stimuli, her physical experience in different movement patterns, styles of dance and the way she experienced Greek Traditional Dance on stage led to her need to interrelate these two different styles of dance in one artistical creation. She is currently based in Vienna and teaches movement, sports, and dance and is engaged in the field of movement rehabilitation.