The Equity committee

Personal and confidential.

AKG: the Equity committee.

Consulting - Accompaniment - Support

What is the AKG?

The Working Group for Equal Treatment is a contact and advice center that actively promotes an appreciative, respectful and discrimination-free working environment at the university. The AKG can provide advice, guidance and support.

Who is the AKG for?

For all members and visitors of the Anton Bruckner Private University. This includes applications, students, teaching staff, staff members and other people who work for the University.

Who are the people involved in the AKG?

The Working Group for Equal Treatment is an elected body. The AKG includes representatives* of students, lecturers and staff members who are committed to equal treatment and equality at Anton Bruckner Private University.

When can I contact the AKG?

At any time. Reasons to contact the AKG can be:

  • if I have the impression that I am being disadvantaged or treated unfairly,
  • if I experience discrimination or sexual harassment,
  • if I am being singled out or excluded,
  • if I feel that my boundaries are being overstepped by others,
  • I am unable to assess the situation and wish to seek counseling, or
  • if I witness discrimination or sexual harassment by a third party.

No matter how small or how large the experience, the members of the AKG always have an open ear and can advise and, if the affected person wishes, also document and accompany.

How do I contact the AKG?

Every member or Substitute member of the AKG is available and can be contacted confidentially, called or written to directly. The AKG's central mailbox (gleichbehandlungbruckneruniat) can also be reached.

For questions of sexual harassment and violence, the ombudsperson Carolin Stahrenberg is available directly: carolin.stahrenbergbruckneruniat  

What happens next?

As a rule, a meeting is first arranged, which can take place live or online. During the conversation, the situation, individual goals and possible courses of action are discussed.

Can I just speak up - without any action being taken?

Yes. Anyone who contacts the AKG has control at all times over whether and when steps are taken, or who is involved in the process. The AKG derives its legitimacy to act exclusively from the people who experience discrimination. We do not take any action without their consent.

If no intervention or no further support is desired, there is the possibility of confidential documentation of the experiences.

If intervention or further support is desired, the AKG will provide information about possible steps.

Witnesses who notice discrimination by third parties can, however, have their experiences documented. These reports can also be an important contribution to ongoing or future incidents.

Will my information be treated confidentially?

Absolutely. Members of the AKG are bound by confidentiality. All discussions are held in strict confidence. This includes not involving individual members of the AKG at the request of affected persons (for example, if they teach or study at their own Institutes).

If it turns out that the Equity committee cannot support you, we will try to find you another suitable body.

Non-discrimination Commission

Alice-Harnoncourt-Platz 1, 4040 Linz


Lopez Leal, Annette

Non-Discrimination Council
4040 Linz, Alice-Harnoncourt-Platz 1


Santoro, Ana Clara M.A.

Santoro, Ana Clara

T +43 732 701000 352

Non-Discrimination Council
4040 Linz, Alice-Harnoncourt-Platz 1


Bruckner, Leonie Mag.a

Bruckner, Leonie

Non-Discrimination Council
4040 Linz, Alice-Harnoncourt-Platz 1

Stahrenberg, Carolin Univ.Prof. Dr.

Stahrenberg, Carolin

T +43 732 701000 517

Consultation hours: Mittwochs nach Vereinbarung (per E-Mail).

Non-Discrimination Council
4040 Linz, Alice-Harnoncourt-Platz 1

Substitute members

Albright, Kelsey B.A. M.F.A.

Albright, Kelsey

T +43 732 701000 205

Non-Discrimination Council
4040 Linz, Alice-Harnoncourt-Platz 1

Besevic-Busslechner, Alisa Mag.a

Besevic-Busslechner, Alisa

M 06604850024


Non-Discrimination Council
4040 Linz, Alice-Harnoncourt-Platz 1