Information for visitors

The Anton Bruckner Private University, one of the largest cultural event organisers in  Upper Austria, offers over 500 performances each year. The public has free admission to most of them. For certain concerts there will be an administrative fee of € 20 / € 15  (for students and school pupils € 10 / € 8).

We are happy to take  ticket reservations for these events!

Reduced price tickets

These are only valid for the ABPU´s own events.

Youth rate
This is valid for school pupils, apprentices, students, people up to the age of 27 doing military or civil service, holders of the Linz Active Pass, people with special needs.

Members of the  Graduate Forum – the Fine Arts University of Linz.

Seat donors
20 % reduction for seat donors of the ABPU.
Clubs and Associations

10 % reduction for  members of the Ö1-Club. 
10 % reduction on the youth rate for holders of the Ö1 Uni-Card (also valid for an accompanying person). 
20 % reduction  for UNIsono Support Organisation members, and members of the   Brucknerbund (also valid for an accompanying person). 

OÖ. Regional Civil Service
20 % reduction for those with the Culture Pass /LPW Pass (also valid for an accompanying person)

The campaign „Hunger for Art and Culture“ is valid for all  the ABPU`s own events.

Students and staff of the University and any accompanying persons have free admission.