Academic Doctoral Programme

The academic doctoral programme provides and promotes theoretical understanding and methodological competence at a post-graduate level. The objective of the academic doctoral programme is the provision of education which goes beyond academic professional training to imparting the ability for independent research. Graduates of the programme know the current state of research in their subject area, can critically analyse different positions in the intersection between research and artistic endeavour, and are able to develop and work with new research questions with sound methodological approaches.

The doctoral programme at the Anton Bruckner Private University as a university for the arts, with its specialist departments devoted to historical musicology, cultural studies, music pedagogy, and dance studies, as well its cooperation with internationally renowned partner universities, supports expressly interdisciplinary approaches and encourages artistic and academic topics, methods, epistemai, as well as the direct relation of dissemination and conveying formats.

In the academic doctoral programme, areas of research may be chosen from the following fields of research:

  • Cultural studies in musicology
  • Interpretation research
  • Musicology
  • Music pedagogy

Partnering universities for co-supervision: 
the Paris Lodron University, Salzburg; the University of Art and Design, Linz; Bern University of the Arts (Switzerland) and the University for Music und the Performing Arts, Vienna

Normal period of study: 6 semesters

Award: PhD

Application deadline for entry in the winter semester of 2023/2024: 17.02.2024