Bachelor Programme Drama

We aim to teach basic physical, linguistic and acting skills, we offer a variety of theatrical concepts and dramatic techniques to further develop each individual’s artistic talents and aid the students to incorporate these skills into their own interpretation.   


  • Academic Degree: Bachelor of Arts (BA)
  • Duration: 8 semesters / 240 ECTS
  • Language of instruction: German
  • Student fee: more information


We limit places available each year to 8 as we set great store by individual attention. 


Young candidates wishing to pursue a professional acting career need to be good imaginative story-tellers with the ability to make informed and intelligent choices. They should have exceptional acting talent, great commitment, a high energy potential, an interest in social issues and a capacity for teamwork.      


In order to apply for a drama course acting applicants must audition in person according to the schedule. Auditions take place on several dates in Spring, also at the end of our summer semester, and at the beginning of the winter semester.

Audition dates for the current year and information on the necessary preparation can be found at: 

Audition dates